Good day all,
Here are a few photos to share of a custom cribbage board I made for some fellow cribbage lovers!
The board is Poplar with a thick glossy polyurethane finish. I created the cribbage hole layout from scratch to be able to incorporate all of the desired images, I think it turned out stellar! The holes were drilled using a basic 3018 3-axis CNC machine using Lightburn to create an SVG file of the holes and putting that through Easel to do the cutting. It is always nerve-wracking laser engraving the numbers (and skunks) on the boards since the tolerances are so small, but it was a smashing success.
A fun and handy thing I like to do is inlay magnets into cribbage boards to provide the perfect place to store the pieces when it's not in use.
Hope you enjoy the photos!